Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Diversity in the Business World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Diversity in the Business World - Essay Example racteristics and experiences, such as communication style, career path, life experience, educational background, geographic location, income level, marital status, military experience, parental status and other variables that influence personal perspectives. In general workforce diversity is viewed as a competitive advantage and a business opportunity. Diversity is also about diversity of thought and ideas. In fact a good prospective business is only possible if the company taps these diversities (CHUBB, 2006). Traditional businesses are totally different from the present day businesses. Not just because of the temporary economic downturn, or the technology-driven shift in business practice. Rather, globalization has taken over and business has become radically global in scope and with this change, the very face of business has altered. Business today is not just the property of a few privileged people as in the case of traditional systems. Business today is conducted by and caters to men and women of every conceivable background and culture. Staff of every ethnicity are sometimes further alienated by mandated "diversity workshops," which attempted to teach them how to get along with their co-workers. In total, these were brute force approaches to mandating diversity and, though sometimes successful in engendering a more representative staff, did little to convey the true benefits of diversity either to employees or to the companies customer bases. Therefore, truly lasting change has been slow to come. It is a well known fact that managing change can be difficult. However, with change comes opportunity, and this is the key principle of effective businesses - possessing the skill and agility to take the best out of polymorphic business. Businesses today have come to recognize the many benefits of a diverse approach, which is facilitated by a diverse workforce. Today, globalization has taken over business. As the international and domestic consumer base

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